re:solution provides SAML Single Sign On for both Jira and Confluence, which may improve user experience and tool adoption rates for both small and large organisations.

Hi there!

I am Huiyi and am your contact at re:solution. Thank you very much for your interests in our plugins.

We are excited to support you with achieving your goals and make your sales process easier.

I would love to hear your questions or comments regarding the following documents. If you need any other information or technical facilitation please do get in touch with us, we are glad to assist.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

Huiyi Lin

re:solution Reichert Network Solution

1. Detailed Product Information and Contacts

2.Major Benefits for Using SAML SSO for JIRA and Confluence

3.Product Feature

4.Sales Pitch 

5.Quantifiable Financial Benefits by Improving Productivity

6.Further information

7. Customer Satisfaction Rate